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Vacation Bible School

Registration is now open for Vacation Bible School! Kids who have completed K5-6th grade during the 2023-2024 school year are invited to join us on Jun 2-6 at Breaker Rock Beach. 

Kids Blowing Bubbles


At FBC Hayden, Sunday School is provided for all kids; birth through 6th grade. We also have an updated check-in procedure that will provide your children with an extra layer of security and peace of mind for you. 


Some of our recent changes implemented a new, interactive Kid's Worship during our Sunday Morning services beginning at 10:30 am, where they can experience safe and age-appropriate environments to learn about Jesus in a creative and relevant way. 

We also have STOMP, a music ministry tailored just for your child. They meet every Wednesday Night at 6 pm with a primary focus on Worshipping Jesus in an interactive way. This includes leading the church in worship once a month. STOMP is for kids 1st through 6th grade and STOMP Littles is for Pre-K & Kindergarten.

We would love to have you and your family visit FBCH Kids!

Your First Visit

Here's what to expect when you're visiting FBCH Kids for the first time.

Once inside the building, follow signs to the Children's Check-In Area. Our greeters will be available to help you with directions. At Check-In, we will meet your family and take your children to their age-appropriate room.

What info will you need?

Upon checking in for the first time we will ask for the following personal information:

Parent/Guardian name(s)
Child's Name
Child's Age/Grade
Phone Number
Parent's Location During Visit
Any special instructions (allergies, special needs)  for your child

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